JBL Tune 750BTNC

JBL Tune 750BTNC

Langattomat vastamelukuulokkeet

Sold from 2019 until now

Getting started with your JBL Tune 750BTNC

Getting started with your JBL Tune 750BTNC

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Product Specifications

Weight (g)
Elementin koko (mm)
Elementin herkkyys @ 1kHz/1mW (dB)
Dynaaminen taajuusvaste (Hz)
20Hz - 20KHz
Impedanssi (ohmia)
Paino (g)
Paino (oz)
Bluetooth profiilit
A2DP v1.2, AVRCP v1.5,HFP v1.6, HSP v1.2
Bluetooth-lähettimen modulaatio
Bluetooth-lähettimen teho
Latausaika (tuntia, kun akku on tyhjä)
Maksimi musiikintoistoaika ANC pois päältä (tuntia)
Maksimi musiikintoistoaika ANC päällä (tuntia)
Maksimi toistoaika (tuntia)
Audio cable
Charging cable
Aktiivinen melunvaimennus
Irrotettava johto
JBL Pure Bass -ääni
Ladattava akku

Musiikkisi, ilman taustahälyä

Langattomissa JBL TUNE 750BTNC -kuulokkeissa on tehokas JBL Pure Bass -ääni ja aktiivinen vastameluominaisuus, jotka tarjoavat iskevän basson ja kiehtovan äänielämyksen. Kevyet korvien päälle asetettavat kuulokkeet takaavat äärimmäisen mukavuuden ja äänenlaadun, samalla kun ne kompaktin ja taitettavan muotoilunsa ansiosta kulkevat kätevästi mukana minne ikinä menetkin. 15 tunnin akunkesto vain 2 tunnin latausajalla mahdollistaa häiriöttömän, langattoman toiston. Monipisteyhteys sallii yhteyden kahden Bluetooth®-laitteen kanssa samanaikaisesti, joten varmistat, että sinulta ei jää vastaamatta puhelimeesi samalla, kun striimaat videoita tabletiltasi. Toista musiikkia taukoamatta mukana toimitetun irrotettavan audiokaapelin avulla, joka pidentää kuunteluajan vastamelutoiminnolla jopa 30 tuntiin. JBL TUNE 750BTNC on saatavilla eri väreissä, joista löydät helposti tyyliisi sopivat.

Virittäydy musiikkiisi. Vaienna melu.
Jo yli 70 vuoden ajan JBL on suunnitellut täsmällistä ja vaikuttavaa äänentoistoa suuriin tapahtumapaikkoihin ympäri maailmaa. Nämä kuulokkeet toistavat samaa JBL-ääntä, bassoa, joka sykkii syvältä ja voimakkaasti.
Hallitse helposti ääntä ja puheluita sekä ota käyttöön puheavustaja kuulokekuppiin sijoitetuilla painikkeilla.
2 h latausaika
Sen avulla voit vaihtaa vaivattomasti Bluetooth®-laitteesta toiseen. Voit helposti vaihtaa tablettisi videolta matkapuhelimesi puheluun, joten sinulta ei jää vastaamatta puheluihin.
Suoratoista langattomasti korkealaatuista ääntä Bluetooth®-laitteistasi ilman sotkeutuvia johtoja
Kevyen ja kompaktin sekä taitettavan rakenteensa ansiosta kuulokkeet kulkevat helposti mukanasi.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

6 results
  • This headphone does not support aptX, aptX HD, aptX Low Latency audio codecs.
  • Yes, the headphones have Multipoint Connection, which allows you to switch seamlessly between the connected devices. 
  • • Always have clear line of sight between your Bluetooth device (speaker, headphones etc.) and source device (Smartphone/tablet/PC etc). Be aware of obstacles in front of your devices.

    • Try to shutdown other products that have Bluetooth, but are not being used. They are often the reason for interference even though they are not being used.

    • Do not stand too close to your Wi-Fi router since a Wi-Fi signal is stronger and in many cases will "overlap" the connection.

    • Be aware of walls around you. Concrete and brick walls will often interrupt the signal, as it cannot pass through such thick walls.

    • Bluetooth signals cannot travel through water, which includes the human body. Make sure with wireless headphones to keep your source device and the receiver on the same side of your body.

    • Open spaces such as parks can cause issues for your devices, as open air is "bad" for any Bluetooth signal if it cannot reflect from objects around you.
  • This product features Multi-Point Connection which allows you to be connect to two devices at the same time. Effortlessly switch from listening to music on your portable device to a call from your phone.

    To connect to two devices at the same time:

    1. Power on your product.
    2. Make sure that the device you wish to connect to has the BT settings on and within range.
    3. If this is the first time connecting your product, you will notice a flashing LED to indicate that it is searching for a device to connect to. (If this is not your first time, your product will automatically reconnect to the last device it was connected to)
    4. Under your BT settings, go to discoverable devices and the product name should pop up within a few seconds. Depending on the device you are using, you may have to tap on the product to complete the connection. 
    5.Now that you are connected to the first device, push the BT button on the product to connect to the second device. The product should start searching for the second device by displaying a flashing LED.
    6. Go to your BT settings on your second device. The product should pop up on your discoverable devices should pop up within a few moments.

    (Please Note: If the product does not show up on your discoverable devices while it is in pairing mode, quickly turn off your BT settings and turn it back on. This will typically result in resetting the BT search in which your product should pop up on discoverable devices within a few moments)

  • This product does not feature an IPX rating and is not waterproof. Over exposure to water or moisture can result in irreversible damage to this unit.
  • If you are having trouble pairing your headphones or if your device is asking for a PIN, please make sure to check all available BT connections in your device's settings. Verify that you are connecting to the headphone's product name that excludes 'LE'. The 'LE' connection is only intended for voice assistant feature compatible with your headphones. If the voice assistant feature has not yet been configured, this would explain why the 'LE' connection appears as an available connection, but cannot be used for Bluetooth audio.


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