Under Armour Sport Wireless
Langatomat in-ear-kuulokkeet urheilijoille
Sold from 2016 until now
Getting started with your Under Armour Sport Wireless
Documents & Downloads
Product Specifications
- Elementin koko (mm)
- 5.8
- Dynaaminen taajuusvaste (Hz)
- 10Hz-22kHz
- Elementtien määrä per korva
- 1.0
- Bluetooth profiilit
- HFP v1.6, HSP v1.2, A2DP v1.2, AVRCP v1.4
- Bluetooth-taajuus
- 2.402GHz-2.48GHz
- Bluetooth-lähettimen modulaatio
- Bluetooth-lähettimen teho
- 0-4 dbm
- Bluetooth-versio
- 4.0
- Latausaika (tuntia, kun akku on tyhjä)
- 2.0
- Maksimi musiikintoistoaika ANC pois päältä (tuntia)
- 8.0
- Maksimi toistoaika (tuntia)
- 8.0
- Puheaika (tuntia)
- 8.0
- Kolmipainikkeinen kaukosäädin/mikrofoni
- Kyllä
- Kantopussi
- Kyllä
- Hands-free-puhelut
- Kyllä
- In-ear
- Kyllä
- JBL Charged Sound -ääni
- Kyllä
- Ladattava akku
- Kyllä
- Tukee sovelluksia Siri, Google Now
- Kyllä
- Pikalataus (5 min = 1 tunnin soittoaika)
- Ei
- Hikeä hylkivä
- Kyllä
- TwistLock®-teknologia
- Kyllä
- Langattomat
- Kyllä
Parempi istuvuus urheilijoille
Treenaa kovempaa JBL®:n toteuttamien langattomien Under Armour® -kuulokkeiden avulla. Nämä langattomat ja hienkestävät kuulokkeet poistavat kuulokejohdoista johtuvat häiriöt. Kaapeliin integroidulla mikrofonilla ja kaukosäätimellä, joka toimii kaikilla iOS®- ja Android™-laitteilla, voit ohjata äänenvoimakkuutta, kappaleita ja puheluita. Premium MapMyRun™ -jäsenyys mahdollistaa suorituskyvyn ja edistymisen seurannan. Nämä langattomat UA-urheilukuulokkeet eivät taatusti koskan satuta tai putoa ja niissä on legendaarinen JBL-nimikkoääni sekä Pure Bass -suorituskyky, joka antaa sinulle inspiraatiota ja motivaatiota treenata täysillä.
FAQs & How-Tos
This headphone does not support aptX, aptX HD, aptX Low Latency audio codecs.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
If you are experiencing issues getting the app to communicate with your headphones, (assuming you have already paired the headphones with the device) go into the communication apps audio settings. You will likely find the resolution there. You may have to set your headphones as the ‘communication device’ within the app you are using.
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To pair a different Bluetooth device, make sure that the unit is turned off. You then must press and hold the center button for about 3-5 seconds. You should see the light blink red and blue while it is in pairing mode and the audible voice should state, “looking for device”. You should see UA BT Wireless pop up on the device that you are attempting to pair it with. Choose that option and wait for the audible voice to state, “connected”Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
First, it is very important that you use the correct size enhancers (rubber tips). This headphone features the TwistLock technology that is uniquely designed to fit in the bowl of the ear (vs. inner ear). They may look bigger than traditional earbuds, but this design provides the most secure fit to ensure they never fall-out in the most active workouts. To properly put them on, first make sure you have the Right and Left earbud in the correct ear. The number to indicate the enhancer size is featured on the inside of the enhancer next to the large L or R (left ear, right ear). Next, gently insert the enhancer into your ear with a forward motion towards the jaw, which should twist and lock the enhancer into place. These headphones come with 5 sizes of fit enhancers (4, 5, 6, 7 & 8) and 3 sizes of ear tips (small, medium & large). The fit enhancers sit in the bowl of your ear and are essential for a secure fit, while the ear tips are inserted in the inside of the ear canal and provide sound occlusion. The size 7 fit enhancer and large ear tip comes pre-installed on the headphone. If you experience discomfort wearing the size 7, try the next size down. If you try a smaller size and the headphones fall out easily or the enhancer does not extend fully to the back of the bowl of the ear, you should try a bigger size.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Press and hold the center button on the inline microphone located below the right earpiece. It helps to have one of the ear inserts in your ear to listen to the audible voice prompts. If this is your first time using the headphones, the headphones will automatically go into search mode. You will hear the audible voice stating, “power on” followed by “looking for device”. To power off, press and hold the center button on the inline microphone until you hear the audible voice stating, “power off.” The flashing LED light should change to a solid red light before completely turning off.
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There are 5 sizes of fit enhancers that come with the UA Sport Wireless: (4,5,6,7 & 8). Size 7 on the earbuds and (4,5,6 & 8) labeled on the black poly bags. There are three sizes of ear tips that come with the UA Sport Wireless: small, medium & large. Size medium on the earbuds. Size small and large in the black poly bag. The first time you change the enhancers the material might feel a little stiff. Please make sure to align the funnel of the enhancer tip over the small speaker screen of the headphone casing. To change sizes, remove both the pre-installed ear tip and fit enhancer, starting with the ear tip. When removing the parts, always grab from the base and be careful not to rip the rubber material. Based on your initial experience, identify which size combination may be a better fit. Each size should be clearly labeled in an individual baggy inside your original packaging or you can find the size of the fit enhancers on the inside with a raised stamp marked with either ‘R’ for Right or ‘L’ for Left along with the numbered size. Most people use the same size for Right and Left but it is possible to use different sizes because some ears are not symmetrical. First, align the sound tunnel of the headphone with the hole in the fit enhancer and gently pull the outer edge of the adapter over the edge of the speaker. Next, align the inner grooves of the ear tip with the grooves in the sound tunnel and gently push the ear tip into position. Try a variety of combinations between the enhancers and ear tips to find the best combination, providing comfort, superior sound quality and secure fit. If you’re still having trouble finding the best fit, please contact customer service at jbl.com/contactusWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Any device that has Bluetooth capabilities and supports A2DP stereo audio streaming will be compatible with the Under Armour Sport Wireless headphonesWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
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