JBL Reflect Flow
Aidosti langattomat urheilukuulokkeet.
Sold from 2019 until now
Getting started with your JBL Reflect Flow
Documents & Downloads
Product Specifications
- Elementin koko (mm)
- 5.8
- Number of Microphones
- 4
- Elementin herkkyys @ 1kHz/1mW (dB)
- 102 dB SPL
- Dynaaminen taajuusvaste (Hz)
- 20Hz - 20kHz
- Impedanssi (ohmia)
- 14
- Elementtien määrä per korva
- 1
- Latauskotelon paino (g)
- 70
- Charging Case Weight (oz)
- 2.5
- Kuulokekapselin paino (g)
- 19
- Earpiece Weight (oz)
- 0.7
- Bluetooth profiilit
- A2DP 1.3 AVRCP 1.5 HFP 1.6
- Bluetooth-taajuus
- 2.402 GHz – 2.480 GHz
- Bluetooth-lähettimen modulaatio
- Bluetooth-lähettimen teho
- 0 - 12.5dbm
- Bluetooth-versio
- 5.0
- Charging case battery life (max hours)
- 20
- Latausaika (tuntia, kun akku on tyhjä)
- 2
- Maksimi toistoaika (tuntia)
- 30
- Bluetooth
- Kyllä
- Charging cable
- Kyllä
- Puheääniavustaja
- Kyllä
- Vedenpitävä
- Kyllä
- Päästää läpi ympäristön äänet
- Kyllä
- Sisäänrakennettu mikrofoni
- Kyllä
- Latauskotelo
- Kyllä
- Hands-free-puhelut
- Kyllä
- JBL Signature Sound
- Kyllä
- Ladattava akku
- Kyllä
- Kauko-ohjain korvakupeissa?
- Kyllä
- Pikalataus (5 min = 1 tunnin soittoaika)
- Kyllä
- TalkThru-monitoimipainike
- Kyllä
- Aidosti langaton
- Kyllä
- Vedenkestävät
- Kyllä
- Langattomat
- Kyllä
- IPX-luokitus
- IP67
- Sisäänrakennettu Google Assistant
- Kyllä
Suunniteltu liikkumiseen, jonka rajat määrität sinä.
Nauti vapaudesta, jota JBL Reflect Flow -kuulokkeet tarjoavat. Harjoittelitpa sitten kuntosalilla tai liikuitpa ulkona, tukevat täysin langattomat JBL Reflect Flow -kuulokkeet aktiivisen elämäntyylisi osa-alueita. Sen lisäksi, että niiden avulla voi vaihtaa raitoja, hallita puhelinsoittoja ilman käsiä ja käyttää ääniavustajaa, ovat Reflect Flow -kuulokkeet IPX7-tason veden- ja hienkestävät, ja ne tarjoavat 10 tunnin jatkuvan toistoajan sekä latauskotelon mahdollistamat 20 lisätuntia. Voit myös nauttia Ambient Aware -toiminnosta, jonka ansiosta voit kuulla, mitä ympärilläsi tapahtuu samalla, kun nautit musiikista. Lisäksi TalkThru-ominaisuus mahdollistaa keskustelemisen kuulokkeita poistamatta. Muokattavien korvainserttien ja Freebit-sovitteiden ansiosta mukavat ja hyvin paikallaan pysyvät Reflect Flow -kuulokkeet tuottavat tunnusomaista, voimakasta JBL:n ääntä, joka on suunniteltu liikkuessa nautittavaksi.
FAQs & How-Tos
This headphone does not support aptX, aptX HD, aptX Low Latency audio codecs.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
It is not uncommon to have charging problems with True Wireless headphones. You may encounter that charging stops, does not start at all or that one of the ear buds suddenly switches on and begins the pairing process. This is almost always caused by dirt on the metal charging contacts. These contacts are vulnerable because they can easily be contaminated by sweat, skin grease, or ear wax. They are usually gold plated, but gold plating does not prevent surface dirt.
If you have charging problems, the first step is to always clean all contact points, on each earbud and on the charging case.
You will need: cotton cloth or makeup swab, cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol. Also a pencil with eraser for further cleaning.
Use a cotton swab with some rubbing alcohol to clean the charging terminals of the headphones. Rotate the swab and scrub lightly on each contact surface, then use a cotton cloth to remove any dust and cotton residue left on the headphones. It is important to perform this process periodically to keep your headphones clean, thus avoiding affecting the charging speed/quality.
Wipe the contact pins in the charging case with a clean cotton swab. The swab can be slightly moistened with rubbing alcohol, but it is important that the interior is completely dry before closing the box. Use the cotton cloth and wait for it to dry.
Repeat until the contact points are visibly clean, and charging should work as designed.
Try cleaning the contacts with the tip of a pencil and the eraser at the end of the pencil, the graphite and rubber can help to re-establish charging also.
This procedure can be performed on all True Wireless Stereo earphones and cases.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
If you are experiencing issues getting the app to communicate with your headphones, (assuming you have already paired the headphones with the device) go into the communication apps audio settings. You will likely find the resolution there. You may have to set your headphones as the ‘communication device’ within the app you are using.
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• Always have clear line of sight between your Bluetooth device (speaker, headphones etc.) and source device (Smartphone/tablet/PC etc). Be aware of obstacles in front of your devices.
• Try to shutdown other products that have Bluetooth, but are not being used. They are often the reason for interference even though they are not being used.
• Do not stand too close to your Wi-Fi router since a Wi-Fi signal is stronger and in many cases will "overlap" the connection.
• Be aware of walls around you. Concrete and brick walls will often interrupt the signal, as it cannot pass through such thick walls.
• Bluetooth signals cannot travel through water, which includes the human body. Make sure with wireless headphones to keep your source device and the receiver on the same side of your body.
• Open spaces such as parks can cause issues for your devices, as open air is "bad" for any Bluetooth signal if it cannot reflect from objects around you.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Use a clean cotton swab slightly moistened with alcohol to:- Remove earwax and dirt from the ear tips on your earbuds.
- Clean the charging pads and ports on your earbuds and in the charging case respectively. Then use a dry and soft cotton to rub down the dust and lint.
- Clean the grooves on the cover and at the bottom of the charging case.
TIP: We recommend that you repeat this operation every few weeks or so to keep your headphones clean and to not affect the charging speed and quality.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Place both ear pods in the charging box, while the charging box is plugged into a power source. Press and hold the button on the Right pod for about 5 seconds. The LED on the pod will turn off and then turn back on again. This restores to factory defaults. (Please note that charging must take place for reset to work.) It also may be necessary to remove or forget the earbuds from the list of paired Bluetooth devices in order to pair again.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
1. Put the earbuds back into the charging case and close the lid. 2. Press and hold the buttons on both the left and right earbuds for more than 2 seconds. Alternatively, only press and hold one of the buttons to just turn off the left or right earbud as required. 3. Use the Auto-off function via the JBL Headphone app (Only applicable for headphones supported in our JBL Headphone app).Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
This headphone does not feature volume control. You must manually control volume from your device.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
If the left ear pod is silent, please perform a new pairing with the right pod like shown in the quick-start guide.
Take them out of the charging case and click the center button on both the left and the right pod 3 times.
This forces a new pairing between the pods, and the left pod should automatically pair with the right pod from now on once you remove both pods from the charging case.
If you still cannot get the Left ear to play, please perform a factory reset by placing both pods in the charging case, while the charging case is charging. Now press the button on the right pod, and hold it for more than 5 seconds. You have now reset to factory settings. (Please note: If you have performed a factory reset, you will need to remove the headphones or "forget this device" from any smart phone or tablet they were once connected to. This will allow your device to now search for the newly restored headphones under BT devices)
The right pod is the primary, which is connected to your source, usually a smartphone.
The left pod is the secondary, which connects to the right pod.
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If the two buds lose connection to each other, you can choose to force-pair the main/right bud to the secondary/left bud or the other way around.
For both buds, triple-click the button on one ear bud to pair with the other ear bud.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
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