JBL Club Pro+ TWS

JBL Club Pro+ TWS

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Sold from 2020 until now

Getting started with your JBL Club Pro+ TWS

Getting started with your JBL Club Pro+ TWS

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Product Specifications

Elementin koko (mm)
Elementin herkkyys @ 1kHz/1mW (dB)
Dynaaminen taajuusvaste (Hz)
10 Hz – 20 kHz
Impedanssi (ohmia)
Elementtien määrä per korva
Latauskotelon paino (g)
Charging Case Weight (oz)
Kuulokekapselin paino (g)
Earpiece Weight (oz)
Bluetooth profiilit
A2DP V1.3, AVRCP V1.6, HFP V1.7
2.4 GHz – 2.4835 GHz
Bluetooth-lähettimen modulaatio
Bluetooth-lähettimen teho
0 - 9.5dbm
Latausaika (tuntia, kun akku on tyhjä)
Maksimi musiikintoistoaika ANC pois päältä (tuntia)
Maksimi musiikintoistoaika ANC päällä (tuntia)
Maksimi toistoaika (tuntia)
Kolmipainikkeinen kaukosäädin/mikrofoni
Mukautuva melunvaimennus
Sisäänrakennettu mikrofoni
Ladattava akku
Aidosti langaton

Kaikki haluamasi äänet ilman taustamelua

Sinä itse olet aina toiminnassa. Etkö toivo samaa kuulokkeiltasi? Musiikki tuo voimaa päivääsi, metrosta työpöydän ääreen ja salille. JBL CLUB PRO+ TWS -nappikuulokkeet antavat käyttöösi ylivoimaisen, aidosti langattoman suorituskyvyn. Liitä langattomasti riippumatta siitä, kumman kuulokkeen otat kotelosta ensin. Valitse, kuinka paljon ulkomaailmasta haluat kuulla, sen mukaan, missä olet ja mitä teet. Kun vastaat puheluun, voit puhua kolmella mikrofonilla ilman häiritseviä ääniä. Mukavuus koko päiväksi, vaivaton langaton lataus ilman kytkentöjä – ja tietysti legendaarinen JBL Pro -äänentoisto – ne vievät aidon langattomuuden seuraavalle tasolle.

Työpäiväsi soittolista kuulostaa tavallistakin inspiroivammalta, kun käytössä on täyteläinen, mukaansatempaava JBL Pro -äänentoisto. Käytä JBL My Headphones -sovellusta äänentoiston muokkaamiseen mieleiseksesi tai valitse esiasetukset maailman parhaiden DJ:den luomasta STAGE+-toiminnosta.
Istutko täydessä kahvilassa ja yrität peittää viereisestä pöydästä kuuluvaa äänekästä keskustelua? Ota käyttöön melunvaimennus ja pysy keskittyneenä. Käveletkö vilkkaalla kadulla? Anna ympäristön äänten kuulua, niin voit kävellä turvallisesti. Haluatko jutella pikaisesti kollegoidesi kanssa? TalkThrun avulla se onnistuu helposti ottamatta kuulokkeita päästä.
JBL CLUB PRO+ TWS -kuulokkeesi yhdistyvät Dual Connect + Sync -teknologian avulla laitteeseesi saumattomasti heti, kun käännät kotelon auki. Ei myöskään tarvitse muistaa, mihin tarttua ensin, koska voit tehdä kaiken kummalla napilla tahansa, käyttäen joko molempia tai vain yhtä.
Älä pelkää puheluun vastaamista ulkosalla tuulisena päivänä. Kolmen keilamikrofonin teknologia mahdollistaa kristallinkirkkaat puhelut, joissa kuuluvat kaikki haluamasi äänet ilman häiritsevää taustamelua.
Yhdellä latauksella saat 8 tuntia kuunteluaikaa ja kotelon antama lisäkapasiteetti on jopa kolminkertainen (24 tuntia). Jos tarvitset pientä lisäystä, vain 10 minuuttia latauskotelossa antaa tunnin lisää käyttöaikaa. Tyylikäs, ergonominen latauskotelo tukee sekä täysin langatonta Qi-latausta että C-tyypin liittimiä.
Napauttamalla ikonista JBL-logoa voit joko puhua Googlelle tai aktivoida Amazon Alexan. Kolmen herkän mikrofonin ansiosta digitaalinen avustajasi kuulee ja ymmärtää puheesi vaivatta.
Ammattikäyttöön tarkoitettujen nappimonitorien inspiroima yhtenäinen muotoilu antaa mukavuutta koko päiväksi. Ensimmäisellä käyttökerralla lataamasi JBL-sovellus opastaa helpossa tiiviystarkistuksessa ja varmistaa, että saat käyttöösi parhaan istuvuuden mukana tulevilla kolmen kokoisilla korvasovitteilla.
Tällä ilmaisella sovelluksella voit hallita kuuntelukokemustasi entistäkin paremmin ja muokata siitä henkilökohtaisemman.

FAQs & How-Tos

21 results
  • It is not uncommon to have charging problems with True Wireless headphones. You may encounter that charging stops, does not start at all or that one of the ear buds suddenly switches on and begins the pairing process. This is almost always caused by dirt on the metal charging contacts. These contacts are vulnerable because they can easily be contaminated by sweat, skin grease, or ear wax. They are usually gold plated, but gold plating does not prevent surface dirt.

    If you have charging problems, the first step is to always clean all contact points, on each earbud and on the charging case.
    You will need: cotton cloth or makeup swab, cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol. Also a pencil with eraser for further cleaning.
    Use a cotton swab with some rubbing alcohol to clean the charging terminals of the headphones. Rotate the swab and scrub lightly on each contact surface, then use a cotton cloth to remove any dust and cotton residue left on the headphones. It is important to perform this process periodically to keep your headphones clean, thus avoiding affecting the charging speed/quality.
    Wipe the contact pins in the charging case with a clean cotton swab. The swab can be slightly moistened with rubbing alcohol, but it is important that the interior is completely dry before closing the box. Use the cotton cloth and wait for it to dry.
    Repeat until the contact points are visibly clean, and charging should work as designed.

    Try cleaning the contacts with the tip of a pencil and the eraser at the end of the pencil, the graphite and rubber can help to re-establish charging also.
    This procedure can be performed on all True Wireless Stereo earphones and cases.
  • The True Adaptive Noise Cancelling technology is a features which adjusts noise-cancelling levels in real-time, 50,000 times per second to account for environmental ambient noises and personal attributes such as movement, hair and eyeglasses to deliver best-in-class Noise Cancelling and immersive sound in any environment.  
    With the help of Feed Forward and Feed Backward microphones, the Adaptive Noise Cancelling technology fully monitors exterior sounds picking up low-frequencies and neutralizing them before they reach the ear. The headphones generate a sound that's phase-inverted by 180 degrees to the unwanted noise, resulting in the two sounds cancelling each other out. 
    In addition, all headphones allow the listener to adapt or adjust the level of ambient noise through features like Ambient Aware and TalkThru.

  • JBL Club headphones do not support aptX. There are a number of different platforms available and our choice was driven by the one that provides the combination of best sound quality and user experience. The platform that we have selected perfectly fits the requirements of the JBL Club series including voice integration and audio customization whilst supplying the Hi Res-certified headphones with the quality of audio they deserve.
  • If you are experiencing issues getting the app to communicate with your headphones, (assuming you have already paired the headphones with the device) go into the communication apps audio settings. You will likely find the resolution there. You may have to set your headphones as the ‘communication device’ within the app you are using. 

  • • Always have clear line of sight between your Bluetooth device (speaker, headphones etc.) and source device (Smartphone/tablet/PC etc). Be aware of obstacles in front of your devices.

    • Try to shutdown other products that have Bluetooth, but are not being used. They are often the reason for interference even though they are not being used.

    • Do not stand too close to your Wi-Fi router since a Wi-Fi signal is stronger and in many cases will "overlap" the connection.

    • Be aware of walls around you. Concrete and brick walls will often interrupt the signal, as it cannot pass through such thick walls.

    • Bluetooth signals cannot travel through water, which includes the human body. Make sure with wireless headphones to keep your source device and the receiver on the same side of your body.

    • Open spaces such as parks can cause issues for your devices, as open air is "bad" for any Bluetooth signal if it cannot reflect from objects around you.
  • Visit the App Store and download the ‘Amazon Alexa’ App.

      Set up Amazon Alexa #1.png
    1. Click the Plus(+) button on the top right of the screen.
    2. Then select ‘Add Device‘.
    3. Select headphones from the list and then choose your Headphones from the list of available devices.
    4. Follow the rest of the instructions in the Alexa App to complete the setup.
  • If not pre-installed on your Android device, visit your App store to download the ‘Google Assistant’ App.

    After you have paired your JBL headphones to your device via Bluetooth, you should receive a pop-up notification (pictured below). Please tap the notification on your device to start the Google Assistant setup. You will now be directed to the Google Assistant App.

    Step 1

      Set up Google Assistant #5.png
    Follow the steps to connect and pair “JBL XXXX-LE” (depends on your model) with your devices.
    Once set up is complete, you will see the below screen:

    Step 2

    Set up Google Assistant #2.png

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to verbally interact with your Google Assistant via the headphone you must turn on the ‘Spoken Notifications’ in the Google Assistant App. This can be found under: Assistant Devices > Notifications. Alternatively, your JBL headphones can be added to the Google Assistant App manually by adding them as a Bluetooth device if this was not done when first paired. Google Assistant must be selected as your chosen voice assistant in the settings of the My JBL Headphones App also.
    Set up Google Assistant #3.png
    Set up Google Assistant #4.png
  • Visit your App store to download the ‘Google Assistant’ App.

    After you have paired your JBL headphones to your device via Bluetooth, you should receive a pop-up notification (pictured below). Please tap the notification on your device to start the Google Assistant setup. You will now be directed to the Google Assistant App.

    Step 1

      Set up Google Assistant #1.png
    Follow the steps to connect and pair “JBL XXXX-LE” with the Google Assistant App, the name will depend on your model.
    Once set up is complete, you will see the below screen:

    Step 2

    Set up Google Assistant #2.png

    PLEASE NOTE: To verbally interact with your Google Assistant via the headphone, you must turn on the ‘Spoken Notifications’ in the Google Assistant App. This can be found under Assistant Devices > Notifications. Alternatively, your JBL headphones can be added to the Google Assistant App manually by adding them as a Bluetooth device if this was not done when first paired. Google Assistant must be selected as your chosen voice assistant in the settings of the My JBL Headphones App also.
      Set up Google Assistant #3.png
    Set up Google Assistant #4.png
  • Double-tap the button on the right earbud, then on the third tap - press and hold the button for more than 5 seconds (until the unit shuts off). 
    This restores the earbuds to the factory defaults.
    TWS must be connected to perform the reset, so neither of the earbuds should be off or in the charging case.
    It also may be necessary to remove or forget the earbuds from the list of paired Bluetooth devices in order to pair again.
  • To perform a hardware reset of your earbuds, press and hold the reset button on the charging case* for more than 5 seconds. This resets the earbuds without restoring the settings to the factory defaults.
    * Location
    Live 300TWS/Live Pro+ TWS: Inside the charging case between the earbuds.
    Live Free NC+/Reflect Mini NC TWS/Reflect Aero: On the back of the charging case, next to the USB-C port.
    Club Pro+ TWS: On the bottom of the charging case, next to the USB-C port.
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