

GT5-1204BR med 12 tommer subwoofer og port har fremragende ydeevne

Sold from 2008 until now

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Product Specifications

Frequency Response
45Hz – 150Hz
Nominal Impedance
4 Ohms
Power Handling (RMS)
Power Handling (Peak)
(2.83V@1m) 90dB @ 1 Watt/1 mete

JBL® GT5-1204BP leverer overlegen ydelse sammenlignet med konkurrerende belastede kabinetter, primært på grund af sin revolutionerende Slipstream-port, der sikrer masser af overfladeareal på ydersiden af boksen, så luftmassen forbliver sammenhængende – vore ingeniører har døbt dette princip Adverse Pressure Gradient™. Denne gradvise forandring, fra højtryk til lavtryk, eliminerer den hørbare forvrængning kaldet “whacking”. Fordi arealet af portens midte er meget mindre end ved mundingen, kan hele porten gøres meget kortere end en cylindrisk port med samme overfladeareal som Slipstream’en, og den kan nu få plads i almindelige bokse.

This offers better control at the excursion limits than the linear spider commonly used by competitors. This progressive spider reduces distortion at high output levels.
These provide additional cooling to the motor structure, resulting in an increase in the subwoofers’ thermal power-handling capability.
The double-flared shape of the oversized port is precisely calculated, efficiently eliminating port noise. Even at high SPL, airflow through the port will remain uniform, offering better low-frequency extension and woofer protection.
The vented polepieces and motor structure provide additional cooling. In combination with the rubber-coated tinsel leads, this results in much better long-term reliability.
The increased magnetic flux results in higher efficiency and better woofer control.
Massive metal-bar grilles provide a beefy look and perfect woofer-cone protection.

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