JBL Tour Pro+ TWS

JBL Tour Pro+ TWS

Helt trådløse ørepropper med støyreduksjon

Sold from 2021 until now

Getting started with your JBL Tour Pro+ TWS

Getting started with your JBL Tour Pro+ TWS

Quick Start Guide

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Product Specifications

Weight (g)
Driver size (mm)
Driver sensitivity at 1kHz/1mW (dB)
Dynamic frequency response range (Hz)
10Hz - 20kHz
Impedance (ohms)
Number of drivers per ear
Lade-etuiets vekt (g)
Charging Case Weight (oz)
Øreproppens vekt (g)
Earpiece Weight (oz)
Bluetooth profiles
A2DP V1.3 AVRCP V1.6 HFP V1.7
Bluetooth frequency
2.4 GHz – 2.4835 GHz
Bluetooth transmitted modulation
Bluetooth version
Charging case battery life (max hours)
Maximum music play time with ANC off (hours)
Maximum music play time with ANC on (hours)
Maksimum spilletid (timer)
Charging cable
Voice Assistant integration
Adaptive Noise Cancelling
Ambient Aware
Built-in Microphone
Charging case
Hands Free Call
Rechargable battery
Remote control on ear cups?
Speed charge
True Wireless
IP Code

Kontroller omgivelsene dine, øk produktiviteten

Ei dagen din med JBL Tour Pro+ TWS drevet av JBL Pro Sound. Med 32 timers trådløst oppladbart batteri og en kompatibel app for optimal tilpasning, holder disse elegante øreproppene deg inspirert og engasjert med adaptiv støydempende teknologi og Smart Ambient for å kontrollere lydene rundt deg. Fra det øyeblikket du åpner etuiet, vil du umiddelbart få smarte funksjoner som er skapt for å øke produktiviteten og uovertruffen komfortabel passform. Tre-mikrofons teknologi sikrer samtaler av høy kvalitet selv i støyende eller vindfulle omgivelser. Du vil være klar til å gå i gang med forretningene eller nyte øyeblikket uansett hvor eventyrene dine fører deg.

JBLs adaptive støydempende teknologi benytter interne og eksterne mikrofoner for å minimere distraksjoner samtidig som du maksimerer lydkvaliteten mens du nyter lydsporet i livet ditt. Med Smart Ambient-teknologi kan du være oppmerksom på verden rundt deg eller høre venner og kollegaer tydelig med et knappetrykk eller via JBL-appen.
Fra fyldig, kraftfull bass til energisk diskant – du vil alltid oppleve den ultimate lydopplevelsen med våre dynamiske JBL Tour Pro+ TWS 6,8 mm-drivere drevet av JBL Pro Sound.
Hold deg tilkoblet hele dagen med opptil 32 timers batterilevetid, Qi-kompatibel trådløs lading og tre oppstarter i etuiet. I tillegg kan du, selv om du til slutt går tom for strøm, lade opptil en time spilletid på minutter.
Støyende miljø? Ingen problem! JBL Tour Pro+ TWS sikrer perfekt stemmeklarhet under samtaler med et utvalg av to ytre stråleformende mikrofoner og en tredje for å redusere vind og andre distraksjoner.
Skap en ideell lydverden hvor du kan fokusere fullt ut på oppgavene dine. Trenger du et stille rom? SilentNow er der for deg. Automatisk av slår av hodetelefonene etter en tidsperiode du har valgt. Få hjelp til å våkne med My Alarm, finjuster lyden med Smart Audio & Video og sett hodetelefonene på pause automatisk når du tar dem av. Alle disse funksjonene styres via My JBL Headphones-appen.
Fra det øyeblikket du åpner etuiet, starter Dual Connect Bluetooth-synkroniseringsprosessen for en ultrastabil tilkobling. Hver ørepropp kobles sammen uavhengig av hverandre, slik at du kan tilordne funksjoner til venstre eller høyre ørepropp og ta samtaler fra en eller begge.
Hold kontakten med din digitale verden uansett hvor du er. Aktiver din foretrukne taleassistent ved å bruke stemmen din. Du kan til og med snakke med Hey Google for å kontrollere hodetelefonene dine. Talemeldinger er tilgjengelige på flere språk. (*) Kun støttet på Android. (**) Android 6.0 eller nyere kreves for full tilgang til Alexa-funksjoner når du bruker denne enheten.
Tilpass lydsporet i livet ditt med My JBL Headphones-appen. Last ned gratisappen for å sette opp tilpasset EQ, slå på adaptiv støydemping eller justere innstillingene for Ambient Sound.

FAQs & How-Tos

18 results
  • Visit the App Store and download the ‘Amazon Alexa’ App.

      Set up Amazon Alexa #1.png
    1. Click the Plus(+) button on the top right of the screen.
    2. Then select ‘Add Device‘.
    3. Select headphones from the list and then choose your Headphones from the list of available devices.
    4. Follow the rest of the instructions in the Alexa App to complete the setup.
  • If not pre-installed on your Android device, visit your App store to download the ‘Google Assistant’ App.

    After you have paired your JBL headphones to your device via Bluetooth, you should receive a pop-up notification (pictured below). Please tap the notification on your device to start the Google Assistant setup. You will now be directed to the Google Assistant App.

    Step 1

      Set up Google Assistant #5.png
    Follow the steps to connect and pair “JBL XXXX-LE” (depends on your model) with your devices.
    Once set up is complete, you will see the below screen:

    Step 2

    Set up Google Assistant #2.png

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to verbally interact with your Google Assistant via the headphone you must turn on the ‘Spoken Notifications’ in the Google Assistant App. This can be found under: Assistant Devices > Notifications. Alternatively, your JBL headphones can be added to the Google Assistant App manually by adding them as a Bluetooth device if this was not done when first paired. Google Assistant must be selected as your chosen voice assistant in the settings of the My JBL Headphones App also.
    Set up Google Assistant #3.png
    Set up Google Assistant #4.png
  • Visit your App store to download the ‘Google Assistant’ App.

    After you have paired your JBL headphones to your device via Bluetooth, you should receive a pop-up notification (pictured below). Please tap the notification on your device to start the Google Assistant setup. You will now be directed to the Google Assistant App.

    Step 1

      Set up Google Assistant #1.png
    Follow the steps to connect and pair “JBL XXXX-LE” with the Google Assistant App, the name will depend on your model.
    Once set up is complete, you will see the below screen:

    Step 2

    Set up Google Assistant #2.png

    PLEASE NOTE: To verbally interact with your Google Assistant via the headphone, you must turn on the ‘Spoken Notifications’ in the Google Assistant App. This can be found under Assistant Devices > Notifications. Alternatively, your JBL headphones can be added to the Google Assistant App manually by adding them as a Bluetooth device if this was not done when first paired. Google Assistant must be selected as your chosen voice assistant in the settings of the My JBL Headphones App also.
      Set up Google Assistant #3.png
    Set up Google Assistant #4.png
  • Double-tap the button on the right earbud, then on the third tap - press and hold the button for more than 5 seconds (until the unit shuts off). 
    This restores the earbuds to the factory defaults.
    TWS must be connected to perform the reset, so neither of the earbuds should be off or in the charging case.
    It also may be necessary to remove or forget the earbuds from the list of paired Bluetooth devices in order to pair again.
    Power off Tour One first and hold the ambient aware button on the left earcup for 2 seconds. You can get ANC on without Bluetooth connection, which will save your battery. Once you slide up the button on the right ear cup to power on, Bluetooth connection and music will return to normal.

      Manually activating Silent NOW #1.png

    Press and hold both right and left earbuds on Tour Pro+ TWS for 5 seconds at the same time. You can get ANC on without Bluetooth connection, which will save your battery. Once you press and hold both right and left earbuds for 5 seconds, Bluetooth connection and music will return to normal.

      Manually activating Silent NOW.png
  • To perform a hardware reset of your earbuds, press and hold the reset button on the charging case* for more than 5 seconds. This resets the earbuds without restoring the settings to the factory defaults.
    * Location
    Live 300TWS/Live Pro+ TWS: Inside the charging case between the earbuds.
    Live Free NC+/Reflect Mini NC TWS/Reflect Aero: On the back of the charging case, next to the USB-C port.
    Club Pro+ TWS: On the bottom of the charging case, next to the USB-C port.
  • The voice assistant you select in the initial set-up (pictured below) will be used as the default assistant on your headphones.

    Switching between voice assistant #1.png

    You can change the default assistant in the ‘My JBL Headphones’ app:
    1. Open the My JBL Headphones app on your device.
    2. Select the headphones you are connected too.
    3. Go to Settings by clicking the symbol in the top right corner.
    4. Select Voice Assistant.
    5. Now you can select your preferred voice assistant.
    Switching between voice assistant #2.png

    Your headphones may restart after switching Voice Assistant.
  • 1. Put the earbuds back into the charging case and close the lid. 2. Press and hold the buttons on both the left and right earbuds for more than 2 seconds. Alternatively, only press and hold one of the buttons to just turn off the left or right earbud as required. 3. Use the Auto-off function via the JBL Headphone app (Only applicable for headphones supported in our JBL Headphone app).
  • After setting up Amazon Alexa on your headphones through the My JBL Headphones app, use Amazon Alexa by pressing & holding the touch panel for 2 seconds on the earbud that you have enabled the voice assistant feature on.
      Trigger Alexa #2 FAQ.png

    Things to try
    • “What’s the weather?”
    • Play Niall Horan
    • Play NPR on iHeartRadio
    • Set a timer for 5 minutes
    • What new skills do you have?
    Stop Alexa when she talks
    While Alexa is talking, press and release the Action button then say “Stop”.

    For more information and things to try with Alexa, visit: www.amazon.com/alexadevices
  • After setting up Google Assistant on your headphones through the My JBL Headphones app, use Google Assistant by pressing & holding the touch panel for 2 seconds on the earbud that you enabled the voice assistant feature on.
    Trigger Google - #1 FAQ.png
    Press and hold the Action button to begin. Requires pairing with eligible phone and internet connection. For examples of questions and things you can do, visit: https://assistant.google.com/platforms/phones/#headphones

    Get your notifications
    Double-tap the Action button.

    Stop your Google Assistant
    Touch the Action button.

    Reply to the message (where available)
    After receiving a message notification, touch and hold the Action button to respond. When you’re done, release the button.

    For more information on what your Google Assistant can do, visit: https://assistant.google.com/platforms/headphones

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