JBL Quantum Stream Studio
Sold from 2023 until now
Getting started with your JBL Quantum Stream Studio
Documents & Downloads
Product Specifications
- Käyttöjännite/virrankulutus
- 5 V ⎓ 500 mA
- Taajuusvaste
- 50 Hz – 16 kHz
- Herkkyys
- -37±3 dB (1 kHz 1 Pa:ssa, 0 dB = 1 v/Pa)
- Äänenpaineen enimmäistaso
- 110 dB
- Näytteenottonopeudet
- 44.1kHz / 48 kHz / 96 kHz / 192 kHz
- Bittinopeus
- 16/24 bittiä
- Kapselit
- 3 kpl 14 mm:n elektreettikondensaattorimikrofonia
- Suuntakuviot
- Kardioidi, ympärisäteilevä, stereo, kaksisuuntainen
- Kuulokkeiden vahvistimen impedanssi
- 16 ohmia / 32 ohmia
- Kuulokkeiden lähtöteho (RMS)
- 42 mWrms kanavaa kohden (kuorma = 32 ohmia)
- Kuulokkeiden THD
- <0,5 % (kuorma = 32 ohmia)
- Kuulokkeiden taajuusvaste
- 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Kuulokkeet – signaalikohinasuhde
- 92 dB 48 kHz:n näytteenottonopeudella, 93 dB 192 kHz:n näytteenottonopeudella (A-painotettu)
- Paino – mikrofoni ja teline
- 582 g
Ääni on kaikki kaikessa Anna ääniesi kuulua
JBL Quantum Stream Studio -mikrofonilla kuulostat ammattilaiselta. Olit sitten pelaamassa, suoratoistamassa tai äänittämässä yksin, juontajakumppanin kanssa tai täynnä vieraita olevassa tilassa, voit vaihtaa nopeasti neljän erilaisen suuntakuvion välillä, jotta kaikki voivat tulla kuulluksi. Pelin parantamiseen ei tarvita ylimääräisiä varusteita. RGB VU -mittarin ansiosta tiedät aina, kuinka äänekkääksi homma menee, ja dynaamisen alueen kompressori varmistaa, että kaikkien ääni pysyy samalla tasolla. Suoratoistatko peliä? Pelin äänien ja oman kommentoinnin välistä tasapainoa voi hallita täysin. Mukana toimitetun JBL QuantumENGINE PC -ohjelmiston avulla voit säätää taajuuskorjainta, vähentää taustamelua tai mukauttaa mikrofonin säteilemää RGB-valaistusta.
FAQs & How-Tos
The JBL Quantum Stream Studio comes with an adapter that can be mounted on different boom mic arm systems or tripods. The adapter is already built in the microphone stand so that you always have the adapter close to you when needed.
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You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Sidetone is by default enabled for the JBL Quantum Stream Studio. You can lower the sidetone volume or mute it by pressing the multifunction knob until you are at the audio/voice balance function. Turn the knob towards the voice (microphone icon) to increase the audio volume and lower down the sidetone volume at the same time. Turn the knob towards the headphone icon to increase the sidetone volume and reduce the audio volume.
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To reset a Quantum headset, you need to connect the product to your computer and open the QuantumEngine.
When you have the QuantumEngine open, go to the "System Software" tap and press "Restore Factory Settings".
Only products that are compatible with the QuantumEngine can be reset this way.
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Try to move the microphone closer to the sound source and adjust it for a better angle. You should also try to decrease the microphone volume to an appropriate level by turning the volume down.
Finally, try to enable the Dynamic Range Compressor (DRC) option in the QuantumEngine to lower the chance of distortion.
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Try to move the microphone closer to the sound source and adjust it for a better angle. You should also try to increase the microphone volume to an appropriate level by turning the volume up.
Finally, try to increase or decrease the microphone gain level if the sound is distorted.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Restoring QuantumENGINE to 1.19 from 2.0:
Please note: Before reverting to QuantumENGINE 1.19, please be aware that any settings from QuantumENGINE 2.0 will not be saved and reloaded into QuantumENGINE 1.19.
Uninstall QuantumENGINE v2.0
- Start the uninstall process. Go to: Settings -> Apps -> Installed Apps -> find "JBL QuantumENGINE" and select uninstall.
- When prompted to uninstall, select “Remove all related settings” and click Uninstall
Install QuantumENGINE 1.19
- Click this link to download the JBL QuantumENGINE v1.19: https://support.jbl.com/quantum-engine-latest
- Double-click the downloaded file "JBL_QuantumENGINE_1.19.0.2025_x64" and follow the instructions to finish the installation.
- Restart the PC.
- Launch JBL QuantumENGINE and enjoy!
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In every microphone there are polar patterns that describes the microphone directionality. Different polar patterns describe how well the microphone module picks up sound waves coming from different directions.
There are four different polar patterns which can be used for different situations. The Cardioid pattern is the best option when you are recording on your own. The Omni-directional pattern is the most suitable for recordings with multiple people from different directions. The Stereo pattern is most optimal when two people are sitting next each other or playing an instrument during a recording. The bidirectional pattern works the best when two people are sitting opposite each other.
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The JBL Quantum Stream microphone is compatible with the JBL QuantumENGINE software. You can customize or use the following settings/features via the JBL QuantumENGINE:
Microphone settings
Polar patters (Cardioid / Onnidirectional)
RGB LED Light colors + animations/effects
Update firmware + softwareWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
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