JBL Quantum ONE
USB-johdolla toimiva, Windows-tietokoneille suunniteltu ammattilaistason langallinen over-ear-pelikuulokemikrofoni, jossa päänseurantaa tehostava QuantumSPHERE 360
Sold from 2020 until now
Getting started with your JBL Quantum ONE
Documents & Downloads
Product Specifications
- Elementin koko (mm)
- 50
- Aktiivinen taajuusvaste
- 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Elementin herkkyys @ 1kHz/1mW (dB)
- 95
- Dynaaminen taajuusvaste (Hz)
- 20 Hz - 40 kHz
- Impedanssi (ohmia)
- 32
- Passiivinen taajuusvaste
- 20 Hz – 40 kHz
- Audio Cable Length (ft)
- 3.9
- Audio Cable Length (m)
- 1.2
- Syvyys (cm)
- 2.7
- Ear Cup Depth (in)
- 1.1
- Korkeus (cm)
- 10.5
- Ear Cup External Height (in)
- 4.1
- Leveys (cm)
- 9.3
- Ear Cup External Width (in)
- 3.7
- Sisäinen Leveys (cm)
- 6.1
- Ear Cup Internal Height (in)
- 2.4
- Sisäinen korkeus (cm)
- 5
- Ear Cup Internal Width (in)
- 2
- Kuulokejohdon pituus (m)
- 2.7
- Headphone Cable Length (ft)
- 8.9
- Paino (g)
- 369
- Paino (oz)
- 13
- 3.5 mm audiotuloliitäntä
- Kyllä
- Audio cable
- Kyllä
- Aktiivinen melunvaimennus
- Kyllä
- Sisäänrakennettu mikrofoni
- Kyllä
- Irrotettava johto
- Kyllä
- Over-ear
- Kyllä
Sound is Survival
Tee pelaamisesta eeppinen elämys. Langallisessa JBL Quantum ONE -kuulokemikrofonissa on pro-luokan ääni sekä päänseurannalla vahvistettu JBL QuantumSPHERE 360™ -tilaääni ja pelaamiseen viritetty aktiivinen melunvaimennus. Hi-Res-sertifioitujen 50 mm:n elementtien ansiosta tarkkaan äänenpaikannukseen kehitetty JBL QuantumSOUND Signature takaa kokonaisvaltaisen äänimaiseman. Puheääntä painottava irrotettava mikrofoni varmistaa monen pelaajan välisen kanssakäymisen selkeyden melunvaimennuksen, mykistysominaisuuksien sekä DISCORD-sertifioidun game/chat-balanssisäätimenavulla. Kevyt, ergonominen muotoilu takaa käytön mukavuuden, ja JBL QuantumENGINE mahdollistaa monipuoliset mukautusmahdollisuudet sekä käyttäjäprofiilit. JBL Quantum ONE -kuulokemikrofoni edustaa audioteknologian absoluuttista huipputasoa, mikä puolestaan takaa huipputasoisen virtuaalirealismin.
FAQs & How-Tos
To configure the 7.1 Surround feature on your PC, please follow the guide below:
1. In the left corner on your screen right next to the Windows logo, click on the spy-glass to start a search on your PC.
2. Type in Sound --> then select Change System Sounds:
3. Make sure that your the Quantum Headphones is your Default Device for both Speakers ( Game ) and Earphone ( Communication device )
4. To configure the 7.1 Surround feature, right click on the Speakers --> then select Configure Speakers
5. Select 7.1 Surround and click on Next
6. Make sure that all boxes are selected, then click Next
7. Make sure both boxes are selected, and then click Next
8. Click on Finish. Now your Quantum headphones is configured for 7.1 Surround sound. The configuration will remain after rebooting PC or reconnecting headphones.
Enjoy your sound experience #SoundIsSurvival #DareToListen
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The Game-Chat balance dial only works when your headset is powered on. Please note that it supports connection with a USB Type A to C cable and a wireless transmitter dongle, but doesn’t support connection through a 3.5mm cable or Bluetooth for mobile games.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes. You can configure the volume of the mic monitoring in JBL QuantumENGINE. The default setting of the mic monitoring is "OFF”.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
The JBL Quantum ONE provides QuantumSURROUND via the USB connection on PC. You can download QuantumENGINE here: JBLQuantum.comWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, you can adjust game and chat audio balance by rotating the puck clockwise and anti clockwise. When rotating the puck, you will feel a notch in the puck that indicates 50 game and 50 chat.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, the calibration is done for both left and right earsWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
The head tracker in the Quantum ONE uses your movements to calibrate the sensors. You can speed up the calibration process by doing the following: * Imagine that the headphone is a standard cube with 6 faces (Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom) * Orient the headphone so that it is sitting on each face of "the cube" sequentially. For example, start with the headphone positioned normally (bottom face of the cube down). Then rotate it so that the right side of the cube is facing down. Then continue through the rest of the faces of the cube. * Hold the headphone in each position for 1 second * Once all the faces of the device have been rotated, set the headphone down on a stationary surface for 2 or 3 seconds.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
In order to adjust your EQ settings you must follow these instructions: In your Windows 10 taskbar, right click on the volume icon. It should bring up your selected output device. If “Speakers (JBL Quantum *model* Game)” is not selected, please proceed to the next step.
In the upper right hand corner, select the arrow. This will display a list of output devices on your PC. Please select “Speakers (JBL Quantum *model* Game)” After selecting 'speakers' you will now be able to adjust your EQ settings to your preference.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Onboard Adaptive Noise Cancellation is controlled by the multi-function button on the rear of the left ear-cup. Switched on by default, you can SHORT press the multi-function button to toggle from ANC to talk-through. Turn off ANC by long-pressing the multi-function button.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
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