JBL Quantum 400
USB-liitännällä varustettu over-ear-pelikuulokemikrofoni Windows-tietokoneille game/chat-säätimellä
Sold from 2020 until now
Getting started with your JBL Quantum 400
Documents & Downloads
Product Specifications
- Elementin koko (mm)
- 50
- Elementin herkkyys @ 1kHz/1mW (dB)
- 98
- Dynaaminen taajuusvaste (Hz)
- 20 Hz - 20 kHz
- Impedanssi (ohmia)
- 32
- Passiivinen taajuusvaste
- 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Audio Cable Length (ft)
- 3.9
- Audio Cable Length (m)
- 1.2
- Syvyys (cm)
- 2.7
- Ear Cup Depth (in)
- 1.1
- Korkeus (cm)
- 9.9
- Ear Cup External Height (in)
- 3.9
- Leveys (cm)
- 8.8
- Ear Cup External Width (in)
- 3.5
- Sisäinen Leveys (cm)
- 5.8
- Ear Cup Internal Height (in)
- 2.3
- Sisäinen korkeus (cm)
- 4.9
- Ear Cup Internal Width (in)
- 1.9
- Kuulokejohdon pituus (m)
- 3
- Headphone Cable Length (ft)
- 9.8
- Paino (g)
- 274
- Paino (oz)
- 9.7
- 3.5 mm audiotuloliitäntä
- Kyllä
- Audio cable
- Kyllä
- Sisäänrakennettu mikrofoni
- Kyllä
- Over-ear
- Kyllä
- Korvatyynyt vaihdettavissa
- Kyllä
Sound is Survival
Etulyöntiasema audiossa. JBL Quantum 400 -kuulokemikrofoni pitää sinut askeleen edellä, sillä sen tilaääni vie sinut mukaansa peliin, ja sen ansiosta voit ennakoida jokaisen liikkeen. Tarkkuuteen ja kokonaisvaltaisuuteen suunniteltu JBL QuantumSOUND Signature siirtää suorituksesi seuraavalle tasolle antaen aidon etulyöntiaseman taistelussa. JBL Quantum 400 sisältää myös puheääntä painottavan ja monen pelaajan välisen kanssakäymisen selkeyden takaavan sankamikrofonin sekä game/chat-balanssisäätimen. Lisäksi tämä kuulokemikrofoni on DISCORD-sertifioitu ja yhteensopiva TeamSpeakin sekä muiden sovellusten kanssa. Kevyen, memory foam -korvapehmusteilla varustetun pannan ansiosta pelaat mukavasti tuntikausia. Paranna peliäsi JBL Quantum 400 -kuulokemikrofonilla ja hallitse vastustajiasi.
FAQs & How-Tos
To configure the 7.1 Surround feature on your PC, please follow the guide below:
1. In the left corner on your screen right next to the Windows logo, click on the spy-glass to start a search on your PC.
2. Type in Sound --> then select Change System Sounds:
3. Make sure that your the Quantum Headphones is your Default Device for both Speakers ( Game ) and Earphone ( Communication device )
4. To configure the 7.1 Surround feature, right click on the Speakers --> then select Configure Speakers
5. Select 7.1 Surround and click on Next
6. Make sure that all boxes are selected, then click Next
7. Make sure both boxes are selected, and then click Next
8. Click on Finish. Now your Quantum headphones is configured for 7.1 Surround sound. The configuration will remain after rebooting PC or reconnecting headphones.
Enjoy your sound experience #SoundIsSurvival #DareToListen
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To stop hearing your own voice through your headphones, please start the JBL QuantumENGINE software, navigate to the "Microphone" tab, and change the sidetone setting to 0.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
To reset a Quantum headset, you need to connect the product to your computer and open the QuantumEngine.
When you have the QuantumEngine open, go to the "System Software" tap and press "Restore Factory Settings".
Only products that are compatible with the QuantumEngine can be reset this way.
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JBL Quantum 400 and ONE are compatible with USB C to A cable to enjoy PS4 console with RGB Lighting on, and Quantum 600 and 800 with wireless-enabled by USB dongle also gives lighting moment on PS4 console games.
*NOTE that RGB will not light up when connecting with 3.5mm cable to any device (PC, Console, Mobile, etc.) because the cable doesn't have power enough for the RBG lighting.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Ensure that only one voice chat application is in use while in-game. Be sure you hear a click when the microphone is flipped down. The microphone will only function when it is flipped down fully. If you see a red LED on the microphone, it is muted.
How to check your PC settings for the correct recording device
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Select Hardware and Sound
3. Click on Sound
3 Select Recording
4. Make sure to select the proper recording device.-
Right-click on it Quantum headset.
Now select "Set Default Device" or Select "Default Communication Device"
5. Check the microphone levels by right-click on your Quantum headset. Then click on Properties
6. Choose Levels.
7. Adjust accordingly.
Please also make sure the volume control on the headset is turned up. Rotate the volume wheel on your headset to increase the volume.
Check that your headset's Game-Chat balance dial and ensure that the balance is correct, you might refer to the screenshot below from the QuantumEngine PC software.
If you still cannot hear the game or music audio, or if the volume is still very low, check if the TalkThrough is activated via the QuantumEngine software.
Finally, you can also do a short press on the Smart Ambient button on the headset (if your headset, has this feature)Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Ensure that only one voice chat application is in use while in-game. Be sure you hear a click when the microphone is flipped down. The microphone will only function when it is flipped down fully. If you see a red LED on the microphone, it is muted.
Check that the PC is using the correct recording device.
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Select Sound
3 Select Recording
4. Make sure to select the proper recording device.- Right-click on it Quantum headset.
- Now select "Set Default Device" or "Select Default Communication Device"
6. Go to Properties
7. Chose Levels and adjust accordinglyWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback! -
Yes, you can adjust the game and chat audio balance by rotating the dial-up and down. When you rotate the dial, you'll feel a notch that indicates the balance is 50% game and 50% chat. The slider on Quantum ONE is different and has no notch but instead a visual indicator.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
You can adjust Equalizer, Spatial Sound, RGB LED effects, change microphone settings and update the headset's firmware
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