Powered Satellite Speakers & Subwoofer

Được bán từ 2001 đến 2001

Sản phẩm tiền nhiệm: MEDIA 2000
Sản phẩm kế thừa: CREATURE
Made in: USA

Tài liệu & Tải xuống

Thông số sản phẩm

Input Sensitivity
400 mV rms for rated power output
Frequency Response
45Hz – 20kHz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
>80 dB
Input Impedance
>10k ohms
$99.95 per system
Dimensions (H x W x D)
SATELLITES... Height... 4.38 inch; Width... 2.13 inch; Depth... 2.5 inch
Dimensions (H x W x D)
SUBWOOFER... Height... 8.75 inch Width... 7.25 inch Depth... 7.5 inch
4-inch woofer
Amplifier Power (RMS)
20 watts @ 10% THD
Two mid-range and one tweeter
Amplifier Power (RMS)
4 watts per satellite @ 10% THD

The JBL Sonnet speaker system includes two desktop speakers and a subwoofer. Both speakers and the subwoofer are magnetically shielded to provide the greatest protection against image distortion on a computer monitor.

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