100W RMS x 4 channels at 2 ohms, 14.4V DC, less than 1.0% THD
Peak Power
Maximum Current Draw
4-Ohm Power Output
80W RMS x 4 channels at 4 ohms, 14.4V DC, less than 1.0% THD
Depth (mm)
Width (in)
Weight (kg)
Height (in)
Height (mm)
Weight (lb)
Depth (in)
Width (mm)
High-performance multichannel power for enhanced sound on the move.
Мощный звук в дороге с качественным многоканальным усилителем. Многоканальный усилитель для автомобильных аудиосистем JBL® GTO-804EZ невероятно просто подключить, настроить и откалибровать для получения чистого мощного звука. Усилитель имеет функцию включения по проводному сигналу или автоматически при подаче питания на аудиосистему. Работает с любой аудиосистемой, как штатной, так и установленной самостоятельно — без дополнительных адаптеров и преобразователей. Усилитель имеет рабочее напряжение до 15 В для линейных входов и входов для динамиков. В комплекте поставляются адаптеры от неизолированного провода к RCA и установочный CD-диск. Чистый и мощный звук с усилителями серии GTO. Любая конфигурация каналов и мощностей. Соответствие стандарту CEA®-2006A и фирменное качество JBL®.
The GTO-804EZ four-channel model features 4x80 watts RMS (940 watts max). It has selectable high-pass/low-pass active crossovers and bridgeable channel pairs for total flexibility. Use this amplifier to upgrade from four channels of built-in head-unit power in an aftermarket system, as a building block in a growing system design or, by bridging both channel pairs, as a more powerful amplifier for premium component speakers.
The GTO-804EZ amplifier includes an input-level switch, a setup CD with test signals and LED indicators to tell you when the setting is correct. Simply set the switch, turn the input-level knob and watch for the green light that indicates that the setup is perfect. That’s all there is to it. There’s a reason why the amplifier’s model number contains EZ. This feature significantly reduces installation time and delivers excellent results.
JBL engineers have configured the JBL GTO-804EZ amplifier to turn on with a wired input (as in aftermarket systems) or with an auto-sensing circuit that activates whenever the amp detects an audio signal. The auto-sensing feature is helpful when you’re upgrading OEM audio systems that don’t include a remote trigger wire. It’s easily defeated by a switch when you’re using a wired remote turn-on input.
The GTO-804EZ amplifier accepts a wide range of inputs up to 15 volts with line-level or speaker-level signals. Using RCA-to-bare-wire adapters included with the amplifier, you can connect to virtually any OEM or aftermarket audio system. The end result is an amplifier that works with the widest range of cars on the road.
Active 12-decibel/octave low-pass crossovers offer variable filter points between 40Hz and 280Hz. You can select high-pass (HP) filtering, low-pass (LP) filtering or OFF. Importantly, all filter points on the adjustment dial match the silkscreened frequency points on the amplifier chassis – a feature that not all amps provide.
The GTO-804EZ provides a range of bass boost from 0 decibels to +12 decibels, centered at 45Hz. This is a useful feature for restoring some bass that may be limited by the low-frequency response of certain speakers in the system – or to enhance a particular range of bass that the speakers already produce well.
Pairs of the GTO-804EZ system amplifier’s main channels can be bridged into a single, more powerful channel. This setup is useful for flexible audio system designs in a growing system or for full-range speakers in a system that needs more power.
Amplifier protection is just like insurance; you hope you’ll never need it, but it’s sure nice to have when you do. Thermal protection keeps the GTO-804EZ system amplifier from overworking itself to the point of premature failure. Low-impedance protection keeps the amplifier safe from any speaker or wiring failures that result in short circuits.