3-Piece Desktop Speaker System

Verkocht vanaf 2002 tot 2003

Voorganger product: SONNET
Opvolger product: CREATURE 2
Gemaakt in: USA

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Product Specificaties

$129.95 per system
Dimensions (H x W x D)
SATELLITES... 3 inch x 3 inch x 3 inch
Dimensions (H x W x D)
SUBWOOFER... 9 inch x 9 inch x 9 inch
One 4.00 inch Magnum transducer
Amplifier Power (RMS)
24 watts @ 10% (THD+N)
Crossover Frequency(ies)
Input Impedance
>5k ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Frequency Response
50 – 20kHz
Input Sensitivity
400 mv rms for rated power output
Voltage Input
120 VAC
One Odyssey Plus transducer
Amplifier Power (RMS)
8 watts per satellite @ 10% (THD+N)

The (Metallic Silver, blue or white) JBL Creature 3 piece speaker system includes two desktop speakers and a subwoofer. Both speakers and the subwoofer are magnetically shielded to provide the greatest protection against image distortion on a computer monitor. The JBL Creature comes with unique inchcapacitance touch inch volume control buttons on the right satellite. Both satellites also have down firing green LEDs for a cool desktop look in minimum lighting environments.

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