JBL Quantum 350 Wireless

JBL Quantum 350 Wireless

Trådløst headset til PC-gaming med aftagelig boom-mikrofon

Sold from 2021 until now

Getting started with your JBL Quantum 350 Wireless

Getting started with your JBL Quantum 350 Wireless

Quick Start Guide

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Product Specifications

Weight (g)
Enheds-størrelser (mm)
Aktivt frekvensområde
20 Hz – 20 kHz
Enheds-følsomhed ved 1kHz/1mW (dB)
115 dB SPL @1 kHz
Dynamisk frekvensområde (Hz)
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Impedans (ohm)
Dybde (cm)
Ear Cup Depth (in)
Højde (cm)
Ear Cup External Height (in)
Bredde (cm)
Ear Cup External Width (in)
Indre bredde (cm)
Ear Cup Internal Height (in)
Indre højde (cm)
Ear Cup Internal Width (in)
Hovedtelefonernes kabel-længde (m)
Headphone Cable Length (ft)
Ladetid (timer fra helt afladet)
Maksimal spilletid (timer)
Charging cable
Indbygget mikrofon
Genopladeligt batteri

Lyd er overlevelse

Er du klar til at opgradere dit gameplay? Mød gaming-headsettet JBL Quantum 350 Wireless. JBLs QuantumSOUND Signature sætter dig i centrum i hver eneste scene, lige fra de mest forsigtige fodtrin til de mest larmende laserblasts. Uanset hvor vildt det bliver, betyder den aftagelige boom-mikrofon med retningsbestemt stemmefokus, at andre spillere altid kan høre dig tydeligt. Tabsfri trådløs teknologi, 22 timers batterilevetid og lette ørepuder med memory-skum betyder, at du aldrig går glip af et sekunds action selv under de længste gaming-sessioner. PC-softwaren JBL QuantumENGINE finjusterer lyden for den ultimative konkurrencefordel. Dine modstandere ved ikke, hvad der rammer dem.

Når splitsekunders timing er vigtig, kan du ikke være bundet til dit system. Den trådløse og tabsfri 2,4 GHz forbindelse i gaming-kvalitet giver dig total bevægelsesfrihed uden lydudfald i kampens hede.
JBL's biograflignende QuantumSOUND-signatur gør enhver scene til noget helt særligt, fra de mest forsigtige fodtrin til de mest larmende laserblasts. JBL Quantum 350 Wireless er baseret på 40 mm enheder, som omslutter dig i spillet, så du opnår en ægte konkurrencefordel.
Spil er ofte støjende, men takket være den aftagelige, retningsbestemte boom-mikrofon med stemmefokus vil dit hold altid høre dig tydeligt med JBL Quantum 350 Wireless. Her er også en praktisk mute-funktion, hvis du skulle få brug for at være lydløs under en hemmelig mission i den virkelige verden.
Med 22 timers batterilevetid får du fremragende JBL-lyd gennem selv de længste spilsessioner. Har du alligevel brug for ekstra tid? Fem minutter giver dig en times ekstra spilletid, og du kan oplade med USB-kablet, mens du spiller.
JBL Quantum 350 Wireless er robust konstrueret med en let hovedbøjle og ørepuder i memory-skum betrukket med kunstlæder. Det giver total komfort, selv under episke oplevelser, som varer hele natten.
Kontrollér, hvad du hører, og opgrader dit spil. Brug PC-softwarepakken til at tilpasse JBL QuantumSURROUND, equalizer (EQ), sidetone, mikrofonindstillinger og meget mere for at få den ultimative omsluttende lydoplevelse.
Få det hele med: Fra seriøse strategiplaner til festlige fornærmelser. Det trådløse JBL Quantum 350 headset er certificeret til DISCORD, verdens mest populære chatprogram. Du kan også bruge det på Skype og TeamSpeak, når du er på arbejde.
Headsettet JBL Quantum 350 Wireless er optimeret til PC og kan tilsluttes trådløst (via 2,4 GHz) til PC, PlayStation*, Nintendo Switch™** og Mac. De funktioner, der drives af JBL QuantumENGINE (JBL QuantumSURROUND, RGB, equalizer (EQ), mikrofonindstillinger osv.), er kun tilgængelige på PC. Tjek tilslutningsvejledningen for kompatibilitet. (*) Trådløst kompatibel med alle PS-modeller inklusive PS5 og PS4. (**) Kun trådløst kompatibel med Nintendo Switch i docken.

FAQs & How-Tos

15 results
  • Yes, you can use the headset while charging!
  • You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.
  • You can clean it by wiping it gently with a damp cloth. Take extra care not to let water leak into the speaker chamber, as it will damage the speaker drivers.
  • To reset a Quantum headset, you need to connect the product to your computer and open the QuantumEngine.

    When you have the QuantumEngine open, go to the "System Software" tap and press "Restore Factory Settings".

    Only products that are compatible with the QuantumEngine can be reset this way.

  • You might have to add a USB extension dock to get the JBL Quantum 350/600/800/810 dongle as close to the headset, or place the common sources of interference (e.g. routers, Wi-Fi speakers etc.) as far from the JBL Quantum 350/600/800/810 dongle.

  • Ensure that only one voice chat application is in use while in-game. Be sure you hear a click when the microphone is flipped down. The microphone will only function when it is flipped down fully. If you see a red LED on the microphone, it is muted.
    FLIP DOWN.png

    How to check your PC settings for the correct recording device
    1. Go to Control Panel
    Control panel.png
    2. Select Hardware and Sound
    Step 2.PNG
    3. Click on Sound
    Step 3.PNG
    3 Select  Recording
    Recording tap.jpg

    4. Make sure to select the proper recording device.

    1. Right-click on it Quantum headset.

      Set default communication device.jpg
    2. Now select "Set Default Device" or Select "Default Communication Device"

      Set default communication device 2.jpg

    5. Check the microphone levels by right-click on your Quantum headset. Then click on Properties

    6. Choose Levels.
    Levels 1.jpg

    7. Adjust accordingly.
    Levels 2.jpg  

    Please also make sure the volume control on the headset is turned up. Rotate the volume wheel on your headset to increase the volume.
    Check that your headset's Game-Chat balance dial and ensure that the balance is correct, you might refer to the screenshot below from the QuantumEngine PC software.
    Volume issue Q800 - Part3.png

    If you still cannot hear the game or music audio, or if the volume is still very low, check if the TalkThrough is activated via the QuantumEngine software.
    Volume issue Q800 - Part4.png

    Finally, you can also do a short press on the Smart Ambient button on the headset (if your headset, has this feature)
    Volume issue Q800 - Part5.png

  • Try a manual pairing of the headset and the dongle.
    Hold the power button in the "On" position for 5 seconds on the headset, and then hold the button on the dongle for 5 seconds. This should force a manual pairing, allowing the PC to again recognize the headset.
    Be sure to check multiple USB ports (to confirm it’s not an issue with the USB port).
    If the dongle can’t be manually paired either, please contact customer support.
  • The JBL Quantum 350 Wireless headset is compatible via 2.4GHz wireless connection with:
    • PC
    • PlayStation
    • Mac
    • Nintendo Switch.
    Software Update Release Notes
    Software Version:  V1.11.0.1511
    Release Date:  September 19, 2022
    Release Media:  Website & Quantum ENGINE

    What’s New
    1. Improved firmware stability upgrading process flow for the QUANTUM 910.


    Software Update Release Notes
    Software Version:  V1.11.0.1510
    Release Date:  August 24, 2022
    Release Media:  Website & Quantum ENGINE

    What’s New
    1. Added support for the new QUANTUM 910 Wireless Headphones
    2. Over 30 improvements addressing user interface, usability, and stability of the app for a better user experience.

    Software Update Release Notes 

    Release Date: 1/21/21


    1. Welcome feature has been implemented.

    2. Surround Modes feature has been implemented.

    3. ANC/TT toggle has been implemented.

    4. The sidetone has been turned off by default for all models to avoid confusion.

    5. QuantumSURROUND/QuantumSPHERE quality & performance have been improved.

    6. Quantum 300 Mic Gain has been improved.

    7. Quantum 800 FW update reliability has been improved.

    8. Minor Bugs Fixed 


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