JBLPRV275 Gauge Style Receiver

Vendu à partir de 2018 actuellement

Guide de démarrage rapide & Téléchargements

Product Specifications

2.75" Color Screen
Wired remote ready
3 pairs of pre-outs including sub out
2 Ohm Stable
3.25” Depth; 4.125” O.D.; 3.25" Round cutout
4 x 45 watts
Bluetooth® Audio Streaming with ID Taggging

From the days of Woodstock to the Grammy’s to concert halls worldwide, the JBL brand is synonymous with“live” sound.

The JBLPRV275 includes concert sound mixed with alluring cosmetics.

Enjoy a JBL experience wirelessly via Bluetooth and see what you are listening to!
Easily control the volume of your Bluetooth audio
Add a camera (sold separately) and check on your bait or your next big catch!
Have access to different radio signals for preferred audio
3 pairs including sub out for quality audio
5V, 1A power output to charge Smartphones via USB / Aux in for quick audio access

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